Monday, July 21, 2008

Oh my god...

I'm so sorry.

I was grounded for the past days I haven't updated. :/

Mum took away my computer privileges Er... RIGHTS.

Not much has happened since I was grounded
For over medicating myself, go figure.

Colby took me to Outback [laugh if you want, those onions are ace],
I almost said something to Tommy Williams...


I opened my mouth while he was looking at me
and I lost what I was gonna say.

God, he must think I'm stupid now...

I'm so mad at myself for it!

Why can't I just say what I want to?

Man, whatever.
Oh, yeah. Colby let me avago at soccer with her.
Turns out, I'm not half bad.
I'm no Mia Hamm, but I can work my way 'round a field.

I saw Phoebe Whatsherface today with Pinky McKnockers
[God, I REALLY need to find out her name :(
"Pinky McKnockers" isn't very 'becoming']....

Couldn't help but give a nasty glance.


I'm gonna take off, I bought this new puzzle that I need to figure out.

:] Hahah, Colby showed me this. <3

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